Notion Letter

Typedream Letter

Letter block Preview

Letter block Preview

Received email in gmail.

Received email in gmail.

The Mail Merge feature changes the words included in the email made with Letter Block to suit the recipient. For example, you can put your name on the Notion page and send a customized email with the name you set for each email address.

Enabling Mail Merge

Mail Merge setting page

Mail Merge setting page

You can set up Mail Merge on the Mail Merge tab of Letterblock. Property is information that allows you to connect to your email address. If the word registered in Property is set to a word, the word will be changed to the information associated with the email address. You can add Property by typing the property name you want to use and pressing the + button. After adding it, go to the settings and click Save Block.

Registering Audience property

After you add a Property, it's time to register the information of the email address in Audience. First of all, Go to the Audience page, please.

After Audience's Property is registered, the Property is added to the right-end column of the email list. Press Expand to open the Property input window. You can now enter the information you registered as Property. Enter the desired value and click Save.

Register Audience property at once

First, please check how to register Audience with a csv file in Manage Audience.

To register the audience's properties at once, you can register CSV with email and property information. Please create a column with the same name as Property in the first row in the CSV file. Then enter the value of the property according to the email in this column. If you add this CSV file by clicking import CSV then Register audience by click Add audience, you can register it at once.

Sample CSV

<aside> ⛔ Please turn off Use Welcome Letter before re-registration!


Mail Send merged email