Notion Letter

Typedream Letter

The Publish page can be entered by clicking Publish in the upper right corner of the Letter Block settings page. The Publish page consists of a preview of the email sent and the record of the email sent.

If you press Publish, send mail to all email addresses on Audience.


After you press Publish, you can see that the publish record has been added. If you click on the record email, you can see the status of the publish and the contents of the email you sent. If you refresh in a little while, you can see the number of emails sent, delivered, opened, as well as the number of returns and bounced related to this publish. If returned or blocked, the email address will be automatically deactivated. And you will be notified by the sender's email address. Deactivated email addresses can be reactivated on the Audience page. If it is abused as spam, service use may be restricted.
