Todoist is more than just a to-do list. It's a tool that can help you map out important plans and ensure that you're taking consistent steps to get there without becoming overwhelmed.

Get organized with projects, sub-projects and sections


Reduce stress and anxiety by breaking big projects down into small pieces. Start by creating a main project and, if necessary, add theme-specific sub-projects. Inside each project, you can structure tasks even further with sections.

→ How to create a project

→ How to add sub-projects

→ How to organize sections

Or, bypass these steps and use a pre-made template

Our team has curated 50+ Todoist templates to get you started. Discover templates for work, school, management and more.


Meeting Agenda Template


Project Tracker Template


Grocery List Template

→ Browse all the templates

A little structure can go a long way. Don't forget that our support team is here to help if you have questions or need a little inspiration ✨